One such festival is Pateti , celebeated by theParsees. .
Parsees from one of the smaller communities in India .they originally came from Persia (now called iran). Over a thousand years ago, they settled in India onthe western coast When the Arabs conquered Persia, the majority of the population converted to Islam,and the Parsees were not allowed to practise their religion . so they left their country ans came to india,where they were free to practise their religion.Zoroaster is the founther of the parsee religion. The supereme deity is Ahura MazdaFire is considered holy by the Parsees.The sacred fire,which is believe to have been brought by Zoroaster himself from heaven,is kept continually burning in the temples.
the majority of the parsee populatian is settled in the city of Mumbai,where thy have their main temples.some of thir omportent festivals are Pateti and khrdad Sal.
Pateti is the Parsee New Year's Eve. It is celebrated some time in August_September. On the day of Pateti, the parsees visit thier temples. Sandalwood is offered to the holy fire.the houses are decorated on the occasion.Rangoli (patternes made on the ground with colored rice flour)adorns the threshole of every Parsee household.the next day peoplee wish each other a happy new year.Six days after Pateti, the Parsees celebrates Khordad Sal.Khordad Sal is the birthday of Prophet Zoroaster.on all festivales , parsees wear clean clothes,worshiv at temples , and feast and visit eachother .Charety is also important for the parsees.